See Sony MDRE9LP/GRAY Ear Bud - GRAY

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Product Description


  • 13.5mm driver unit, neodymium magnet, 1.2m cord
  • Wide range of colours to choose from
  • Enjoy powerful bass on the go
  • Pair with a music player

Sony MDRE9LP/GRAY Ear Bud - GRAY Reviews
Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review
169 Reviews
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34 of 37 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Inyer Ear, January 28, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
I subscribe to a wide variety of daily and weekly podcasts and I am constantly walking around with earbuds on. I'm sure that listening to podcasts constantly instead of loud music is better for my eardrums but it is murder on the earbuds. I have probably bought more earbuds in the last five years than five people buy in a lifetime. Since I have an Apple Nano and an iPod Touch, I was buying Apple OEM and replacement earbuds. I would buy twelve or fifteen at a time. The problem was that the earbuds might last only a week before either one side or both stopped working.

I bought a pair of these Sony earbuds a few days before Thanksgiving at a local discount store. It is now the end of January and the earbuds are still working like the day they came out of the store. And yes, they have been put through the wringer. I've snagged them on the cabinet knobs. I've lifted the iPod Touch by the wires. I have slept with them on. Both left and right are still working and they still sound... Read more
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25 of 29 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars THEY STILL WORK!!!!!, January 13, 2012
Amazon Verified Purchase( What's this?)
I thought I lost these ear buds one day. Then I remembered that I accidentally left them in the pocket of my sweat shorts, which were thrown into the washer. I quickly retrieved them, dried them off, then plugged them in. I assumed they would not work but they still do! I couldn't believe it!
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11 of 12 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Good Quality but shape is a step backwards from prev version, April 30, 2012
This review is from: Sony MDRE9LP/GRAY Ear Bud - GRAY (Electronics)
I have used the E10LP of these headphones for a long time on numerous devices. They are a great value with solid sound quality for the cost. Are there better sure, but I am hard on them and if a pair last me 4 - 6 month I am happy do to physical damage that I inflict. That being said I have now purchased the new version of the E9LP and there is a feature that the new version doesn't have that I never knew I would miss until it was gone. The E9LP are uniformed in shape while the E10LP are "banana" shaped. What I have found is that the old shape made it very easy to feel what the left was and what the right headphone was. You ask why this would be important, first the L and R will wear off but more importantly I use them to listen to PbyP at a lot of sporting events where I just use one side and they sit in my pocket and go in and out of my ear often. It is impossible to tell quickly by feel if you grabbed the left or right bud. Also, when listen in the dark like at night when I... Read more
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Reviews Sony MDRE9LP/GRAY Ear Bud - GRAY

The review Sony MDRE9LP/GRAY Ear Bud - GRAY, it is quite significant. it is actually a lot more like a polished mirror reflects the light to come to us. As an indication of item high quality also as how it is actually. Of course, we can present good high quality item for you. after you see and read our review of their user. We hope which you will obtain Sony MDRE9LP/GRAY Ear Bud - GRAY ,thank you very much.

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